Day 1, 31 Oct 6:11pm
I have taken up this challenge to write down whatever I learn in a day for next 7 days (:
1. Fast I/O in competitive coding (C++) — It is often recommended to use printf and scanf instead of cin and cout for better input and output . Though some programmer prefer to use cin and cout so they have to just include this 2 lines at the beginning in their main function :
2. We know in c++ endl is equivalent to ‘\n’ . Still at times ‘\n’ is more preferred because it is better performance wise unless flushing of streamis required.
3. What does buffer flush mean in c++ — It is transfer of computer data from a temporary storage to the computer’s permanent memory
4. I watched this awesome Ted Talk by Mel Robbins where she explains the “5 seconds rule” . How she overcome from being just knowing to just doing. It may help in building newer habits and overcoming the bad one’s in a faster way.
Well that’s it for the first day .
Thank you :).