Does the request generate more likes/subscribers?
You might have seen youtube videos where the youtuber requests the viewers to subscribe to the channel. Does such a request really work? During the I was surfing the internet to figure out researches on the same. However, I couldn’t locate any, if you know any please share. Even if see some LinkedIn or Instagram posts, the users request the readers to “hit like if you agree”.
A request triggers an action in the unconscious mind that’s what makes us click the subscribe icon. I am conducting a simple experiment for a couple of weeks to observe how the readers react. If the posts end up gaining more reactions, the hypothesis might gain more conviction. There are other factors in place too.
What happens when you like a post
By liking a post you are indirectly assisting your connections in curating the contents. The LinkedIn algorithm works in such a way that we see posts liked by our connections. You gain more visibility and your peer network associate you with such content. Rest you can connect the dots.
Hence request you to clap on this post and shower your love on Facebook and LinkedIn too. Let’s see how this experiment turns out.
Cheers to the cohort member for successfully building consistency day by day with the baby steps!!!
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