Fool’s Day
How did April fool come into existence?
Let’s scratch the history to know about it. In 1582, France switched to the Gregorian calendar from the Julian calendar. However, the information didn’t spread as quickly as information spread today. France used to celebrate the new year around April 1st just like the Hindu’s new year is around April. However, few people in France weren’t aware that the new year has now been changed to January 1st. Such people were teased as fools.
Thereafter televisions, radios, and newspapers broadcasted pranks on April 1st. They kept the day and tradition alive, prolly, to gain more impressions. Additionally, we like to play pranks. It’s a fun game, isn’t it?
Google has joked about telepathic searches on Fool’s day in the past. Though due to Wuhanvirus it is not celebrating the day this year. Back in 2019, Burger King cleverly launched the meatless impossible whopper, which tasted just like a meat burger. Even some of the beef evangelists and the employees of BK were unable to differentiate the impossible whopper and the original beef whopper on the basis of taste. That’s incredible, isn’t it?
Who is the easiest person to fool?
The one you look at every day on the selfie or the mirror is the easiest person to fool. Every now and then we continue to fool ourselves when we are unable to update our prior beliefs and walk out of the comfort zones 😄 Leaving you with a quote from Richard Feynman, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”
Cheers to the cohort member for successfully building consistency day by day with the baby steps and completed a month!!!
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