Healthy benefits of 🚬
Chances are high that you are willing to read about this topic being attracted form the title. We often hear don’t judge a book by its cover and here we are getting attracted to the title :D. Anyways let’s get back to the curious topic..
Usually we go with the notion that smoking is bad for our health. Even it’s written on the packaging boxes. Still millions of people consume it daily. If scientist remain so stubborn to the believes, there wouldn’t have been any progress in science and technology. We need to think with an open mind with no prior biases. As usual google is here to help us understand the benefits. Let’s see what it speaks.
Research suggests that the smokers are less likely to undergo a total joint/knee replacement surgeries than a non-smoker or ex-smoker. What could be the reason? Knee replacements are common among joggers, where as smokers rarely jog. There might be other reasons too. In fact, analysis of clinical data suggests that “Men who smoked 48 years or more were up to 51% less likely to undergo total joint replacements than those who never smoked.”
Being a consistent smokers for the years develops protective effective against the Parkinson's disease. Time to scratch biology books :D. It is a disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement. There are multiple research done on this topic form the likes of Harvard and more. No one has the clue how smokers develop the protective layer. Even the protective layer may wane once the smoker quits.
There are more benefits from which you are just a google search away. Yeah I ended it abruptly, a sweet ending won’t ignite the curiosity to know more :P. Just to remind you more than 7 million people die a year from diseases related to tobacco.
Here comes the disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before smoking or using the smart device in your hand, the mobile device just like smoking is injurious to health!
Cheers to the cohort members for continuing the Tiny Project for Day 4!
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