Is making an amazing product sufficient?
In today’s algorithmic world most of the stuff is curated and ordered by machines. It’s way more important to learn how those things work because that’s where we live now. Someone might be writing amazing articles, but if those aren’t reaching out to mass audience it simply dies out. That’s how even a normal article can attract thousand of views and a well written article may not even attract a hundred view. Further if we see the Social Network sites they give the preference to the new contents not to the old ones.
If you share a link on LinkedIn / Facebook Vs writing a post on them. The post will gain more views instead of the link. Why so? That’s the way they trained the machines. Why would they want us to move to other platform? Everyone is craving for our most precious asset attention
From user perspective, we are more likely to react to a post which has higher reactions than the one which has lower reactions. Humans like big numbers. That’s why 200 seconds sounds bigger than 1 hour. Gaining the first 100 followers isn’t as easy as gaining the next 100 followers. The compounding effects take place given that you continue to make tiny or subtle improvements. But in this glamorous world we have been targeting big starts.
To the cohort members, I have been repeatedly saying one thing, “None of us want to start small, we want to start big. However we aren’t prepared to start big. Simultaneously we don’t want to start small. Hence, we end up doing nothing” Here you can take a look at my first article :D That’s how I started.
To create awareness about our magical articles, I have been consistently reaching out to my beloved seniors, friends, juniors and family members, who have been sharing within their groups. After all “sharing is caring”.
For your good karma do share this article (:
Until then…
Keep sharing!!!