Magic of Placebo on Hotel Maid
During the day, I came across an interesting read-up, which discusses the research of Ellen Langer on Hotel Maids. The maids do certain physical activities at the hotel be it carrying luggage or cleaning. The maids far exceeded the U.S. surgeon general’s recommendation for daily exercise more than required physical exercise but it was not reflecting in numbers. The body mass index, blood pressure, and more matched the perceived amount of exercise and not the actual one.
Thereafter Ellen did a little experiment. She divided the maids into 2 groups. To one of the groups, she told that the activity they were doing is good for their health and to the other group no new information was given.
After a month, the researchers found a significant difference between the groups. The group with new information was more healthy than the other group. The researchers even confirmed that there was no change in their daily tasks. Just being aware of the task's positive benefits can make a significant effect.
Maybe reading such magical articles can increase your curiosity if you believe. Just experiment with it for a month.
Cheers to the cohort member for successfully building consistency day by day with the baby steps and are about to complete a month!!!
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