Nothing Vs Something
We generally think it is good to have something than to have nothing. That’s why it is hard to leave a job even though you may dislike it. Because at present you are earning but after leaving the job you will be unemployed and without money, it’s difficult to survive. So it’s good not to leave the job right? It all boils down to our financial needs.
Recently, I read a post from Chiranjeev, where he discussed his transformation through meditation. I highly recommend you to check that post. Nothing is also a great exploration point. We are not in a race to reach the destination quickly. What’s next after finishing the race jumping to another race and so on. However, life is a marathon and you are alone on the track. That’s the beauty, isn’t it?
The starting point is awareness. Awareness itself will create a chain of reactions, leading to more clarity of thoughts. We often keep jumping from left shoulder to right shoulder, where one side wants something and the other side wants exploration. It’s might be possible to explore while doing something too. It totally depends on you. Taking no decision is itself a decision.
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