Stimuli ~ Actions
After a stimulus, we react in a certain pattern. While feeling happy, our facial expressions change. Having a notification beep makes us open the smart device, mobile. There are many more activities that we do during the day based on stimuli.
We can reverse it too. Faking your expression to being happy, will send signals to your brain that you are happy. That’s how laughter therapy works.
You see a sales offer somewhere and you are tempted to buy. Whether you need the stuff or not is something secondary at that moment. It might be even hard to resist buying, after all, you are buying at flat 50% off 😄
We are living in the modern age but our cravings are still of the ancient age. That’s what makes us crave sweets. It’s difficult to say no to sweet after taking a glance at them. These are some of our natural biased actions. Overcoming them isn’t that easy especially when you see everyone around you doing the same. It’s easy to walk with the crowd even when you know that’s wrong but difficult to walk alone on the right path.
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Cheers to the cohort member for successfully building consistency day by day with the baby steps!!!
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