Yet another century!
The magical figure of 400 reminds me of Brain Lara, the only cricketer on the planet to have scored 400 in an inning. We mostly focus on that one inning, we rarely focus on the previous efforts or precisely, the failures. Only the success shines. Without failure, one is rarely successful consistently. Tp put in Aristotle’s word, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
The tiny efforts that we put in day after day make all the difference. Looking back it is easy to connect the dots however looking forward it’s difficult to figure out a way to keep on making a progress. Many of my readers have asked me in the past, “How do I get a topic to write on?” In the beginning, I used to focus on my surroundings and note the things I wanted to know about curiously. Like a few days back, I wrote about camel milk. Now the topics keep on floating from the day-to-day life on autopilot mode. It just becomes a habit. Our day is a sequence of activities, where most of them are repetitive. Don’t consider repetitive for robotic. Repetitive is actually amazing. It frees up conscious effort, making the brain more relaxed. The brain has limited energy, if you don’t free up the conscious effort it won’t be possible to put on effort to learn new stuff. The brain is the most important organ to keep oneself alive for the long run. If you aren’t utilizing the brain, you are decaying yourself way more rapidly.
Recently, I started to assist people to form life-long habits to understand human perspectives. All of us want to do something, even we make a commitment but we generally back out when it comes to actions. I figured out a way to help them take a minute action consistently. If you too want to join the club, you can fill the form here. Do read the T&C’s here before you sign up for a habit.😄 The form is live just for the next 12 hours.
Cheers to the 400 days of writing (:
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